Tuesday, September 15, 2009

today is our day

'happy anniversary'
for our relations on this month

so many new thing that i face with u
from bad to good&from good to more good
it is true?? HA-ha
(i think its quite better if we dissuade each other)
if i said NO , you shud stand for NO also
if i said yes , you can do whatever u want
i respect your life, so i also need you respect my life

I'm sorry for everything i done
that make you unhappy during this month
especially on hari yang suram :'(
sumpah! i dont want go to the mid with you again
-the worst moment, the worst place&the worst attitude
first mistake is oke;s, can consider.
but. for second mistake, sorry la. judge u sgt teruk.
you know why? when 2nd time mistake really pain for me,how bout next?
so i didnt want to face a next mistake-please take this pain away

unfortunately i felt
I'm worst for you
this month you said I'm different
bukan cik kiah yg saya kenal
its really??
you get what you done!
i act like that coz' i have a reason doin that

hopefully our relations really
² stronger than before
dont give that
bitch girl mess up our love!!!

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