HA-ha statement puaka. Bile la saya nk dapat anugerah dekan nie.
oke;s fine! sem depan oke. ganbattte! :p
go cik kiah!!
go cik kiah!!
gambar ini di upload sebab...there's are three aisyah on that pica hehe ...
go girls aisyah3 :)
go girls aisyah3 :)
sometime when we doing something yang ikhlas, tulus, sabar, amanah, tekun, tak minta balasan & didn't have any fraud there... so we gonna feel better in our life ,even something tu tak fun, look terrible & sgt menyusahkan but finally we can feel fun & happy to doing that work. Makanya dengan itu
"this is our life, just take the challenge..
i know everyone can do it, nothing possible"
"this is our life, just take the challenge..
i know everyone can do it, nothing possible"
feel better